30 October 2011


Heyo everybuddy! Guess who?! Hehe, I know I haven't been around for a long time. But don't worry, the humans didn't thrown me out onto the streets; in fact, they brought another furry pal back from the streets. Okay, the new member was brought back by A (as usual).

Let me introduce you to my new furry pal...



She's a holland lop, and was abandoned by her previous owners at the rubbish dump below A's friend's place on 13th September. So A's friend, knowing A's soft spot for furry pals, text her and told her about the bunny, and here she is! She has a hole in her ear (see picture below), had eye infections, her paws were swollen due to staying in a cage with a wired bottom (which is bad for bunnies because their paws are soft), and was severely underweight.

All I can tell you guys is that, a bunny is A LOT of work! She makes me eat her poo, makes me clean up the food she throws around, and I've to really look out for my little hammie buddies when they're out for their run because she'll head butt them when they go near her (bahaha). She's quite the terror. I thought I was good at acting innocent and sweet to the humans, but now all I can say is, I've met my match..

She's gotten a lot fatter now, and takes up a lot of my humans' time, that's why I haven't been around lately. Sadly, A's severely allergic to Jett. She gets rashes all over her body if she plays with Jett too much. She's still trying to think of a way to make everything work out, because giving Jett up is out of the question for her. If any of you guys have suggestions on litter training a bunny, do let me know! A has tried all methods suggested, but Jett seems to have bladder issues (probably due to old age).

I'll be back again guys! Wait for more updates! Cheers!

OH WAIT. Here's a picture of me, lest you've forgotten how I look like!


rottrover said...

Hi Pepsi!! Never a dull moment at your house!! Good job taking care of yur new bunny :-)

-Ruby and Bart

Wyatt said...

That is so nice of your family to take in Jett and make him all better. I didn't know that bunnys could be potty trained to a litter box. Hope that works out.

Wyatt and Stanzie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey, Pepsi, good to see you. Hmmmmm, we never thought about all the good nuggets rabbits supply - you pointed out one good advantage to having bunnies around:)

Hope you are doing well, and hope to see you around again soon.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

Bless you for adopting Jett, Pepsi! She sure is a pretty bun! Bunny poo must be pretty tasty, huh?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

welcome back. We love your new pet
Benny & Lily

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

She "makes" you eat her poo? Uh-huh. We totally believe that! (And you wonder why you made our 'short list' for Bad Sports! Heehee!) Glad to hear you are alive and well. We hope things work out with Jett - it sounds like she's had a rough life, and needs to be well taken care of in her old age!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You're doing a wonder-fur job wit dat bunny, Pepsi. Keep up da good work!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Pepsi, I'm SO super happy that you're back!! I've missed you oodles!

Gosh, A is so very much wonderful for taking Jett in, even though Jett makes her itchy. Poor Jett. It sure sounds like she didn't have a good life before but she sure is livin' it up now! Lucky bunny!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. In answer to your question abouts Rescue Me Week...yes, yes, you can puts a homeless pet from your country on your bloggie! I think that would be Most Wonderful!

Chicco said...

Happy Halloween!!!
Woof, woof,


World of Animals, Inc said...

Hey Pepsi, we are happy that you have a new friend in Jett living with you now. He looks like a super sweet bunny. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Have a great day.
World of Animals