03 January 2011

Disturbing News

Warning: Not for the faint hearted.
Okay, so today, we were just browsing around the Singapore news portal, and saw this title:
Foreign worker bashes dog with metal chain, until its face is a bloody mess

And this image greeted us:

This poor stray dog was bashed with a metal chain by a China Foreign worker who is here on a work permit. There have been a rising number of animal abuse in Singapore recently, and it is very disturbing to read about the condition the helpless animals were in. Some were alive when found, but had to be put to sleep because of the extent of the injury, some died immediately, and some were lucky enough to escape death and find a good home.

Luckily for this poor pup, another foreign worker saw the incident and stopped the cruel idiot, and sent this pup to an animal shelter to seek medical treatment.

I have sent an email to AVA, our local authorities to do something about it. All I got was a vague reply that they were investigating the case. Sometimes, the authorities don't do a lot of things, because they think that citizens don't really care about the outcome of these cases. There was a case of dog abuse where a Pomeranian died after being beaten and flung against the wall repeatedly. Up till now, the culprit is still at large, and apparently, the authorities have stopped investigations.

If it's possible, I would like to ask my fellow friends in blogville to drop an email to ask AVA (ava_cawc@ava.gov.sg) to take action on cases like these. There are many dog owners in Singapore, but there are many who cannot be bothered to find out, and forget about such cases, and the culprits get away scot-free.

PeeS: I'm sorry I have to start the new year with this post, but I thought the poor pup got a worst start than any of us, and he sure doesn't deserve it. On a side note, Happy New Year's, everyone!


The Daily Pip said...

Thanks for sharing this. I will send an email. I hope and pray this poor dog is OK .

Your pal, Pip

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH dis poor pup! Mom says her will send an e-mail and we hope and pray dat he recovers too.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Oskar said...

Uch, what horrible people are out there. We are sending an e-mail.

Nubbin wiggles,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How absolutely horrid and horrible. We will send an email too. That poor dog - we hope he is getting the help and the love that he so needs.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

That is horrible! Why would anyone do that to an animal? Mama saw the picture and she says it makes her want to cry. :( We hope the people who do that kind of thing go to JAIL!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

momma is saying bad words
Benny & Lily

KB said...

I'm saying bad words too, just like
Ben and lily's momma. That's horrendous.

3 doxies said...

No need to aplogize...dats what we is heres fur, to help.
I imagine things are ourty different where you lives.
Dis poor doggie deserves justice and we will send an email as well.


Unknown said...

Oh dear, poor pup!!! Shame on some those hoomans!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! My momma gasped when she saw that picture. Poor, poor doggie. I will never understand how humans can be so mean to us. Never!

I'll get my mom to write a letter and our paws are crossed somebuddy does soemthing to the "thing" that did this.

Gentle wiggles & wags,

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Pepsi,
My heart aches when I saw the picture of that poor dog, my Mom cried just like she did the other day when she read the story of a beaten-to-death Pomeranian.
We're so lucky to have our pawrents tenderly attending to us, I'll use my paws power to send an email to ask AVA to take serious action.
I'm glad to see you swing by my blog.
Happy New Year Pepsi,
We wish you a good year filled with good love, good health and good laugh.

White Dog Blog said...

This is horrible! We sent an email asking for stricter action on animal abuse. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.